Hair Rev - Hair Supplements - Review

I have very kindly been sent some hair supplements from Hair Rev!! I was due to pick some up from my local health store that week so they saved me a job!!
I have received 90 tablets which retail at £19.99. You can get yours here.
I love the packaging, it's pretty much full to the brim meaning no unnecessary plastic being used. Very clear instructions and contains all information you would need to know about  what's inside the tablets.
The goodies included in these supplements are Biotin which increases the Keratin levels in your body which are vital in healthy hair growth, Zinc for strengthening new hair, Calcium promoting hair growth, Folic Acid which is important in maintaining hair colour and a huge bunch of vitamins. (Please consult your GP if you are pregnant/breastfeeding or on any medication before taking these supplements).
The tablets themselves smell a little funny but aren't unbearable.
The sizing of the tablets isn't the best; they measure around 2cm in legnth and 1cm in width. They aren't coated which makes them more difficult to swallow and due to their size it's not the greatest sensation while making its way down the back of your throat.
These supplement tablets are supposed to be taken 3 times a day with food which to me seems slightly unachievable. My hair supplements from a different brand, I only had to take once a day which suited me down to the ground as it meant I wouldn't have to take them to work and I'm  useless at remembering to take medication/tablets at set times in the day!!
None the less, I have managed to keep up the 3 times a day routine for over 2 weeks now!! Top tip is to put one in with your lunch if you're eating at work/school/on the go.
The results have been good!! I wouldn't  say amazing as my hair hasn't grown a great deal in just over 2 weeks however the new growth (just under 1cm) feels very healthy, strong and looks hydrated. These supplements will not improve the condition of existing hair, only new growth.
Many people do not realise that hair supplements don't just speed up and improved the quality of hair on your effects all body hair. I have noticed faster body hair regrowth however its nothing too extreme.
Overall I love these supplements!! My hair is stronger, healthier and has grown a fair bit in just over 2 weeks!! If you are looking for something to speed up hair growth, to kick start growth on your hair that won't grow past a certain length or are looking to improve hair health, these are definitely worth the money.
You can get yours here. I have a special offer for you lovely lot courtesy of Hair REV; Use Faye2 for 20% off 2 months supply or Faye3 for 30% off 3 months!!

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