Something a little different today. My pet peeves #1 (be prepared for a few of these posts). I'm going to rant it out on a post and let you know what really rattles my cage!!
1. When people say "thanking you". Just stop right there. I have no idea why it's irritates me so much but it definitely rattles my cage!! I'm a plain old "thank you" kinda gal and im quite the fan of "cheers".
2. People who style their hair so it flicks out at the ends. Especially on Bob/Lob length hair. Ughhh.
3. "You must love yourself before you can love others". Biggest load of crap I have ever heard. My mom was a fan of this saying and I hate it with a passion. I'll probably do a post on why this irritates me so much.
4. The word "lush" (but not the store; obvz).
5. People who go to events and watch through the use of their mobile phone. Stop. I went to see The Bodyguard a few weeks ago and the 3 girls in front must have watched 80% of the show through the use of Snapchat.
6. When people refer to their parents by their first name. In our house, it's "Mom and Dad". Using first names is a lack of respect.
7. People who fold book corners!! I am a self confessed book worm and it saddens me when I purchase second hand books, to find previous owners have folded corners. Love your books, use a book mark.
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