The Keto Diaries - Weight Loss Update #5

I'm going to start this post by holding my hands up and admitting I have become lazy with my Keto lifestyle. 
Christmas and New year threw me off more than I'd hoped. I gave in and had a little alcohol, tiny amounts of fruit (in cheese) and was lazy with weighing, tracking and getting all my electrolytes in.

To be honest, I haven't lost much in the past 6ish weeks. I am bouncing around the same 4lbs like a yoyo and it's ruining my motivation.

Starting today, I plan on being strict with myself. I will track every gram of everything I eat and avoid foods that are higher in fat and carbs in hope that by this time in 14 days I will have lost enough to get me past these 4lbs I'm struggling with.  

Hopefully by tracking my food in advance and eliminating all the off plan foods from my flat, I wont be tempted to eat anything that I haven't accounted for, making my tracking and weightloss slightly easier. 

This week I am also switching my nighttime meal to just a salad, I'm doing this to lower the amount of fat I'm eating to around 50-60g/day to see if I can kick start the weight coming off again. 

Fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted!
